• Table of Content

    Article 1 - Definitions
    Article 2 - Identity of the Entrepreneur
    Article 3 - Applicability
    Article 4 - Customer Account
    Article 5 - Third-Party Offers
    Article 6 - Ordering and Delivery
    Article 7 - Compensation and Payment
    Article 8 - Provisions Applicable to Purchases from Sellers
    Article 9 - Information and Data Usage
    Article 10 - Miscellaneous
    Article 11 - Applicable Law

  • Article 1 - Definitions

    1. Environment: www.fairhousecollective.com
    2. Platform: the online environment on which third parties offer products to users. 3. Entrepreneur: Fairhouse, which operates the webshop www.fairhousecollective.com.
    4. User: any visitor to the environment.
    5. Brand(s): a third party, whether a legal or natural person, offering ethical products to users through our platform.
    6. Customer: a user of the environment who makes a purchase of a product through the platform.
    7. Purchase Agreement: the agreement concluded between Brand(s) and a Customer for the purchase of a product by the Customer from the Brand through the Platform.

  • Article 2 - Identity of the Entrepreneur

    Phone: +31621100086 (available during office hours)
    E-mail: customers@fairhousecollective.com
    Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number: 72090715

  • Article 3 - Applicability

    1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to the ordering and purchase of products from Brands through the Platform. These conditions can be found on Fairhouse's environment at www.fairhousecollective.com.
    2. Any Customer placing an order for a product offered by a Brand within the Environment accepts the applicability of these Terms and Conditions.
    3. Deviations from these Terms and Conditions can only be made in writing, in which case the other provisions remain in full force.
    4. These Terms and Conditions apply to both buyers who can be considered consumers and buyers who can be considered business buyers.
    5. All rights and claims stipulated in these Terms and Conditions and any further agreements for the benefit of the Entrepreneur are also stipulated for the benefit of intermediaries and other third parties engaged by the Entrepreneur, including the brand(s).
    6. The Entrepreneur has the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time. The amended terms will apply as soon as they are published on the site. If a buyer subsequently places an order for a product as offered by a Brand, they accept the applicability of the amended Terms and Conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to consult these Terms and Conditions before placing an order for a product from a Brand.

  • Article 4 - Customer Account

    1. The Customer must meet the following requirements at a minimum:
    1.1 The Customer is at least 18 years old.
    1.2 The Customer can be reached via email.
    2. The Customer can optionally register and create a customer account on the Platform, but this is not mandatory to order products.
    3. The Entrepreneur is at all times entitled to not process certain orders for items from Brands or to attach conditions to them. 4. The Customer is responsible for the use of their username and password. The Entrepreneur recommends the Customer to use a unique password and to keep it confidential.
    5. The Customer is not allowed to allow others to use their account.
    6. The Customer declares to act in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and all applicable laws and regulations.
    7. The Customer is responsible for the accuracy of the data in their own account.

  • Article 5 - Third-Party Offers

    1. The Customer acknowledges that the purchase agreement is concluded between the Customer and the Brand (the third party offering products for sale through the Environment) and that the Entrepreneur is not a party to this agreement.
    2. For questions and/or complaints about products purchased by the Customer from Brand(s), the Customer may always contact the respective Brand(s) directly or contact the Entrepreneur. The buyer acknowledges that the Entrepreneur is not liable in any way, including but not limited to any defects in the purchased product.

  • Article 6 - Ordering and Delivery

    1. A Customer can place an order for a product offered by a Brand through the ordering process with the Entrepreneur.
    2. In most cases, the Customer will receive an invoice in the packaging of the delivered product. If not, this invoice can be requested by contacting the Entrepreneur's customer service (customers@fairhousecollective.com).
    3. Ownership of delivered items only transfers when the Customer has paid all amounts due to the Brand in connection with the relevant order.

  • Article 7 - Compensation and Payment

    1. The Customer owes the purchase price of the product purchased from the Brand through the Platform to the Entrepreneur and is not relieved of their payment obligation by making a direct payment to the Brand. Payment by the Customer can only be made to the Entrepreneur.
    2. The Brand has irrevocably granted the Entrepreneur the right to exercise the collection rights arising from the purchase agreement between the Customer and the Brand, in the name of the Entrepreneur and to the exclusion of the Brand.
    3. The Entrepreneur will handle claims against the Customer in accordance with its normal collection policy.

  • Article 8 - Provisions for Every Purchase from Brand(s)

    1. If a Customer purchases a product from a Brand through the Platform, then:
    1.1 The Customer is obligated to read and agree to the general terms and conditions of sale of the relevant Brand(s) from which they purchase one or more products through the Platform. These can always be consulted via the respective Brand pages on the Platform;
    1.2 An order for a product will subsequently be processed in accordance with the provisions in the general terms and conditions of the respective Brand;
    1.3 The Customer is entitled to return an order within the period specified in the general terms and conditions of the respective Brand (according to the 'right of withdrawal') to receive a refund of the purchase amount, subject to the following conditions as stated in the four points below, as specified in the general terms and conditions of the respective Brand:
    1.3.1 The Customer has the right to withdraw from the agreement within a period of 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period expires 14 days after the day on which the Customer or a third party designated by the Customer, who is not the carrier, physically takes possession of the goods.
    1.3.2 During this 14-day period, the Customer shall handle the product and packaging with care and shall only unpack or use the product to the extent necessary to assess whether the Customer wishes to retain the product. If the Customer makes use of the right of withdrawal, the Customer shall return the product with all accessories delivered and - if reasonably possible - in its original condition and packaging to the Brand.
    1.3.3 When returning products, the Customer must adhere to the Brand's Return Policy. The contact details, shipping, and return policies of each individual Brand(s) can always be consulted on the respective Brand pages on the Platform.
    1.3.4 The Entrepreneur will then refund the purchase amount as soon as possible after the withdrawal, but will wait to reimburse until the Brand has confirmed that the product has been returned in good order - unworn and undamaged, with any attached price tags and/or stickers still on it - and the Brand accepts the return shipment. If the Customer has exercised their right of withdrawal in the prescribed manner, the return shipping costs will be borne by the Customer.
    2. If a Brand does not accept an order within two working days, the Entrepreneur will inform the Customer within eight working days after the Customer has placed the order that this order has not been accepted, and the payment already received by the Entrepreneur in this regard will be refunded.

  • 9. Privacy and Data Protection

    Fairhouse processes personal data of customers in accordance with its privacy policy, which is available on the webshop.

  • Article 10 - Miscellaneous

    1. The Entrepreneur has the right to restrict, not grant, or revoke certain privileges, block the use of an account, or deny or limit the ability to order articles from Brands through the Entrepreneur, depending on the trading history of a Customer, solely at the discretion of the Entrepreneur.
    2. If the Entrepreneur has allowed deviations from the Terms and Conditions, whether explicitly or implicitly, for a shorter or longer period, this does not affect the Entrepreneur's right to demand strict compliance with the Terms and Conditions at any time. The Customer can never claim any rights based on the fact that the Entrepreneur has applied the Terms and Conditions flexibly at any given time.
    3. If one or more provisions of the Terms and Conditions or procedural rules are in violation of any applicable legal provisions, the relevant provision shall become void and shall be replaced by a new legally permissible provision determined by the Entrepreneur, as much as possible in accordance with the purpose of the relevant provision.
    4. The Entrepreneur has the right at all times to no longer make the functionalities for the offer of Brands available on the Entrepreneur's website.

  • Article 11 - Applicable Law

    Only Dutch law applies to the Terms and Conditions, the (sale of) items by Brands through the Entrepreneur website, and the Purchase Agreement between the buyer and the Brand. All disputes between parties will be submitted to the competent court for resolution.